You data now better protected

An important update of our servers has been done this morning. Your data is even better protected and access to Thermotrack Webserve is 99.9% guaranteed

From now on, your data is stored on several servers, located in different data centers. If a server or data center is no longer accessible, another one automatically takes over. (This is called a Disaster Recovery Plan or DRP).

Daily and weekly backups are stored on another data center.

If you have any questions, send an email to technical support

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Service interruption on 02/06/2022

In order to reinforce the security of your data, we will have to proceed to a short interruption of our services on 02/06/2022 at 10:00AM Paris time.

For a short period of time, estimated at 15 minutes, our servers will be stopped and then restarted.


During this time, you will not be able to read Data, but you will be able to download your Buttons. Data will be kept on your PC and transferred as soon as our servers are back online.

Our new infrastructure will allow us to strengthen the security of your data by installing the servers and backups on different data centers.

We are at your disposal for any questions

Graphs printings

Update on March 16, 2021
The PDF printing service has been restored as of this Tuesday, March 16, 2021.
The automated reports have been automatically regenerated and sent to the usual recipients.

We have taken the opportunity to implement an internal solution that no longer uses an external service, in order to avoid a possible unwanted suspension.

We remain at your disposal for any information


The graph printing service has been suspended by our service provider.
This impacts both PDF printouts and automated reports.

We are currently looking for a replacement service.
It should take a few days to find the right service and to do our tests.

We are sorry for the inconvenience and are doing everything possible to limit the downtime.
We will notify you here as soon as the service is restored.

Translated with (free version)

New software to download

If you use Thermo and Hygro Buttons, download now our new free software TBO Link to program and read your Buttons.

Important: The previous system based on Java in the Browser has disappeared. So download the new software now.

TBO Link is the new software that can:Thermochron software

  • Mission your Thermo and Hygro Buttons
  • Read the Buttons and select period by zooming on the graph wiht the mouse
  • Send data to Thermotrack Online

This new software simplifies the reading and programing of the Button and will avoid requests for update of Java.
You can also now use any Internet browser like Chrome and Firefox.

When connecting, you need to enter your login and password. Use the ones you use for Thermotrack-Online.

So download TBWeb Link now

Secured Data

Since Nov 2nd 2017, Thermotrack-Online is using secured data transmission using HTTPS.https temperature monitoring

Why is this important for you?

When you log to Thermotrack-Online, data that you send (login and password for instance) are encrypted and authenticated by a trusted third party. This guaranties that your data cannot be red by an external source.

To learn more about HTTPS encryption, read the Wikipedia article

Plug-in Java bientôt désactivé des navigateurs Internet

Depuis quelques mois le navigateur Google Chrome ne prend plus en charge Java (plug-in nécessaire pour la communication avec les boutons, mission et relève).
D’ici la fin de l’année la plupart des navigateurs internet ne supporteront également plus Java.

C’est pourquoi nous avons développé un logiciel permettant de missionner et relever les boutons en lien direct avec le site Thermotrack-Online : TBO Link.
Ce logiciel est disponible à l’adresse :
Il est également disponible dans le menu de Thermotrack-Online (tout en bas).
A l’ouverture de ce logiciel vous devez vous connecter avec les mêmes logins et password que sur Thermotrack-Online.
Vous pourrez missionner, relever et créer/modifier des profils pour vos missions.

Nouveautés : en missionnant vos boutons à l’aide de ce logiciel, vous pourrez dans l’interface de Thermotrack-Online voir pour une mission en cours les paramétres de cette mission.

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Plus de rapidité

Depuis le 25 octobre, nous avons migré sur un nouveau Serveur, 4 fois plus puissant que le précédent.
Ceci vous permet maintenant d’accéder plus vite à vos données de température.

Grâce à l’expertise de nos équipe et au support de notre hébergeur DRI, nous avons pu migrer sur le nouveau serveur en assurant la continuité des accès, de sorte qu’aucune coupure du service n’a leu lieu. Félicitation à eux !

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Reading and Programing Buttons with Chrome

Since September 1st, 2015 and version 45, Chrome no longer supports the  Java Plug-in that we use to communicate with Thermo Buttons and Hygro Buttons data loggers.

People who program and read dataloggers have to use another brower, Internet Explorer or Firefox.
Those who review and check data online can still use any browser, including Chrome, but also Safari for Mac.

To download Firefox for free, please visit the Mozilla website.